We all know writing can be extremely difficult, especially when you are not used to it. And the more they seem to teach us at school, the less we seem to actually understand and be capable to reproduce one form or another.

    Writing skills are one of the things we learn the least during school years; we must all be able to write down our own essays, college admission essays, letters, and research papers. But no matter what you choose, you must write at least 50 essays or research papers throughout high school and college years and most of the time under the acute pressure of time.

     Choose the perfect topic

    So how does one improve his or her writing skills? In order to best complete your academic choruses or tasks, first of all you ought to know what you want to write about. Choosing the perfect subject for a paper is crucial, especially if the subject is of public interest or appeals to you personally.

     Read enough before actually starting to write

    Secondly, you can improve your writing skills by reading as many essay samples or any other type of college paper as often as possible. You could start with the short ones, say the five paragraph essays. These will allow you form an opinion regarding the structure of an academic paper, as well as some good linkage words or phrases.

    One other crucial thing you must do in order to improve your skills is to state your opinion firmly upon the chosen subject and try and support it using valid arguments. Later on, additional readings and bibliography (especially books) will improve your vocabulary give you an overlook upon the treated subject. Also, reading books will help you use quotes more often and impress your readers or audience.

     Time is precious

    In the end, allowing yourself enough time to complete the paper is vital. The more time you have for researches or additional readings, the better you will write, thus handing over a true academic piece of work. All in all, writing should be fun and about your personal opinions as well and it can also work as therapy for those of you willing to lay down all the negative thoughts and transform them into positive ideas on paper.