Custom paper is a requirement of higher division degree courses. It is very important because it will create a big part of your grades at the end of semester. Your instructor should provide sufficient information and knowledge about this paper. You should have information from your own sources if your instructor is not responding you. First of all receive topic of your paper from supervisor then analyze available source of information. If necessary consult books, internet, journals and magazines to have more information. If you have any confusion then ask question to your supervisor. Some students scared of appearing tedious in front of teacher and they don't ask any question. This is a great mistake made by some students.

    Select your paper topic

    Use any burning question as topic of your paper and try to answer this question. Provide sufficient references to support your arguments in paper. The selection of topic is a first step in academic writing process. Therefore you should give special attention to this section. Spend several days and make research online so that you can choose an attractive topic.

    Analysis of available information

    Check the available information in the form of notes, handouts and books. Organize your ideas and information in a professional way. The main objective of analysis is to check the amount of available information. After analysis start the writing process from introduction. Custom writing requires more authentic information than essay writing therefore don't ignore this factor. Use only reliable and accurate source of information in your writing process. The quality of information depends upon the source from where you got information.

    Organization of data

    Organization means to put the information into their relevant sections. Introduction should contain information about significance and importance of current work. Similarly methodology section should enlist the research process and evaluation. Scientific research is important to discuss in this section to make it authentic.


Now represent the results in a scientific manner in conclusion section. You need to explore your findings and achievements in this part. It is also better to support your results with arguments and references.